Source code for pyhpo.ontology

import os
import math
import warnings
from typing import List, Set, Tuple, Optional, Union, Dict, Iterator

    import pandas as pd  # type: ignore
except ImportError:
        "Some functionality requires pandas, which is currently not available",

import pyhpo
from pyhpo import HPOTerm
from pyhpo.parser import build_ontology_annotations
from pyhpo.parser.obo import terms_from_file
from pyhpo.parser.generics import id_from_string

[docs] class OntologyClass: """ A linked and indexed list of interconnected :class:`HPOTerm` s. Attributes ---------- genes: set Set of all genes associated with the HPOTerms omim_diseases: set Set of all OMIM-diseases associated with the HPOTerms omim_excluded_diseases: set Set of all excluded OMIM-diseases associated with the HPOTerms """ def __call__( self, data_folder: Optional[str] = None, from_obo_file: bool = True ) -> "OntologyClass": self.metadata: List[str] = [] self._map: Dict[int, HPOTerm] = {} self._genes: Set["pyhpo.GeneSingleton"] = set() self._omim_diseases: Set["pyhpo.OmimDisease"] = set() self._orpha_diseases: Set["pyhpo.OrphaDisease"] = set() self._decipher_diseases: Set["pyhpo.DecipherDisease"] = set() if data_folder is None: data_folder = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data") if from_obo_file: self._load_from_obo_file(data_folder) return self
[docs] def get_hpo_object(self, query: Union[int, str]) -> HPOTerm: """ Matches a single HPO term based on its name, synonym or id Parameters ---------- query: str or int * **str** HPO term ``Scoliosis`` * **str** synonym ``Curved spine`` * **str** HPO-ID ``HP:0002650`` * **int** HPO term id ``2650`` Returns ------- HPOTerm A single matching HPO term instance Raises ------ RuntimeError No HPO term is found for the provided query TypeError The provided query is an unsupported type and can't be properly converted ValueError The provided HPO ID cannot be converted to the correct integer representation Example ------- :: # Search by ID (int) >>> ontology.get_hpo_object(3) HP:0000003 | Multicystic kidney dysplasia # Search by HPO-ID (string) >>> ontology.get_hpo_object('HP:0000003') HP:0000003 | Multicystic kidney dysplasia # Search by term (string) >>> ontology.get_hpo_object('Multicystic kidney dysplasia') HP:0000003 | Multicystic kidney dysplasia # Search by synonym (string) >>> ontology.get_hpo_object('Multicystic renal dysplasia') HP:0000003 | Multicystic kidney dysplasia """ res: Optional[HPOTerm] = None if isinstance(query, str): if query.startswith("HP:"): try: res = self[id_from_string(query)] except ValueError as err: raise ValueError(f"Invalid id: {query}") from err except KeyError: pass else: try: res = self.synonym_match(query) except RuntimeError: pass elif isinstance(query, int): try: res = self[query] except KeyError: pass else: raise TypeError('Invalid type {} for parameter "query"'.format(type(query))) if res: return res else: raise RuntimeError("Unknown HPO term")
[docs] def match(self, query: str) -> HPOTerm: """ Matches a single HPO term based on its name Parameters ---------- query: str HPO term to match e.g: Abnormality of the nervous system Returns ------- HPOTerm A single matching HPO term instance """ for term in self: if query == return term raise RuntimeError("No HPO entry with name {}".format(query))
[docs] def path( self, query1: Union[int, str], query2: Union[int, str] ) -> Tuple[int, Tuple[HPOTerm, ...], int, int]: """ Returns the shortest connection between two HPO terms Parameters ---------- query1: str or int HPO term 1, synonym or HPO-ID (HP:00001) to match HPO term id (Integer based) e.g: Abnormality of the nervous system query2: str or int HPO term 2, synonym or HPO-ID (HP:00001) to match HPO term id (Integer based) e.g: Abnormality of the nervous system Returns ------- int Length of path tuple Tuple of HPOTerms in the path int Number of steps from term-1 to the common parent int Number of steps from term-2 to the common parent """ term1 = self.get_hpo_object(query1) term2 = self.get_hpo_object(query2) return term1.path_to_other(term2)
[docs] def search(self, query: str) -> Iterator[HPOTerm]: """ Iterator function for substring search for terms and synonyms in the ontology Parameters ---------- query: str Term to search for Yields ------ HPOTerm Every matching HPO term instance """ for term in self: if (query.lower() in or ( self.synonym_search(term, query) ): yield term
[docs] def synonym_match(self, query: str) -> HPOTerm: """ Searches for actual and synonym term matches If a match is found in any term, that one is returned If no actual match is found, the first match with synonyms is considered Parameters ---------- query: str Term to search for Returns ------- HPOTerm A single HPO term instance """ synonym_hit = None for term in self: if query == return term if not synonym_hit and query in term.synonym: synonym_hit = term if synonym_hit: return synonym_hit raise RuntimeError("No HPO entry with term or synonym {}".format(query))
[docs] def to_dataframe(self) -> "pd.DataFrame": """ Creates a Pandas DataFrame from the most important features Each HPO term is one row, the features are present in columns Returns ------- :class:`DataFrame` The DataFrame of HPO-Terms and their attributes in the following columns * **id** ``str`` The HPO Term ID "HP:0000003" (used as index) * **name** ``str`` The HPO Term name "Multicystic kidney dysplasia" * **parents** ``str`` Concatenated list of direct parents of HPO terms. Separated by ``|`` * **children** ``str`` Concatenated list of direct children of HPO terms. Separated by ``|`` * **ic_omim** ``float`` Information-content (based on associated OMIM diseases) * **ic_gene** ``float`` Information-content (based on associated genes) * **dTop_l** ``int`` Maximum distance to root term (via :func:`pyhpo.term.longest_path_to_root`) * **dTop_s** ``int`` Shortest distance to root term (via :func:`pyhpo.term.shortest_path_to_root`) * **dBottom** ``int`` Longest graph of children nodes (via :func:`pyhpo.term.longest_path_to_bottom`) * **genes** ``str`` Concatenated list of associated genes. Separated by ``|`` * **diseases** ``str`` Concatenated list of associated OMIM diseases. Separated by ``|`` """ data: Dict[str, List[Union[float, int, str]]] = { "id": [], "name": [], "parents": [], "children": [], "ic_omim": [], "ic_orpha": [], "ic_decipher": [], "ic_gene": [], "dTop_l": [], "dTop_s": [], "dBottom": [], "genes": [], "omim": [], "orpha": [], "decipher": [], } # This is not the most elegant way to generate a DataFrame # But it works for term in self: data["id"].append( data["name"].append( data["parents"].append("|".join([ for x in term.parents])) data["children"].append("|".join([ for x in term.children])) data["ic_omim"].append(term.information_content.omim) data["ic_orpha"].append(term.information_content.orpha) data["ic_decipher"].append(term.information_content.decipher) data["ic_gene"].append(term.information_content.gene) data["dTop_l"].append(term.longest_path_to_root()) data["dTop_s"].append(term.shortest_path_to_root()) data["dBottom"].append(term.longest_path_to_bottom()) data["genes"].append("|".join([str(x) for x in term.genes])) data["omim"].append("|".join([str(x) for x in term.omim_diseases])) data["orpha"].append("|".join([str(x) for x in term.omim_diseases])) data["decipher"].append("|".join([str(x) for x in term.omim_diseases])) return pd.DataFrame(data).set_index("id")
@property def genes(self) -> Set["pyhpo.GeneSingleton"]: return self._genes @property def decipher_diseases(self) -> Set["pyhpo.DecipherDisease"]: return self._decipher_diseases @property def omim_diseases(self) -> Set["pyhpo.OmimDisease"]: return self._omim_diseases @property def orpha_diseases(self) -> Set["pyhpo.OrphaDisease"]: return self._orpha_diseases def _load_from_obo_file(self, data_folder: str) -> None: """ Reads an obo file line by line to add HPO terms to the Ontology Attributes ---------- data_folder: str Full path to folder where master data is stored """ for term in terms_from_file(data_folder): self._append(HPOTerm(**term)) self._connect_all() build_ontology_annotations(data_folder, self) # type: ignore self._add_information_content() def _append(self, item: HPOTerm) -> None: """ Adds one HPO term to the ontology """ self._map[item.index] = item def _connect_all(self) -> None: """ Connects all parent-child associations in the Ontology Called by default after loading the ontology from a file """ for term in self._map.values(): for parent_id in term.parent_ids(): parent = self[parent_id] term.parents.add(parent) parent.children.add(term) # Build caches of hierarchy to speed up performance for term in self._map.values(): term.all_parents def _add_information_content(self) -> None: """ Calculates the information content for each HPO Term According to Robinson et al, American Journal of Human Genetics, 2008 Returns ------- None None """ total_omim_diseases = len(self.omim_diseases) total_orpha_diseases = len(self.orpha_diseases) total_decipher_diseases = len(self.decipher_diseases) total_genes = len(self.genes) for term in self: p_omim = len(term.omim_diseases) / total_omim_diseases p_orpha = len(term.orpha_diseases) / total_orpha_diseases p_decipher = len(term.decipher_diseases) / total_decipher_diseases p_gene = len(term.genes) / total_genes if p_omim == 0: term.information_content.omim = 0 else: term.information_content.omim = -math.log(p_omim) if p_orpha == 0: term.information_content.orpha = 0 else: term.information_content.orpha = -math.log(p_orpha) if p_decipher == 0: term.information_content.decipher = 0 else: term.information_content.decipher = -math.log(p_decipher) if p_gene == 0: term.information_content.gene = 0 else: term.information_content.gene = -math.log(p_gene) def __getitem__(self, key: int) -> HPOTerm: try: return self._map[key] except KeyError as e: raise KeyError("No HPOTerm for index {}".format(key)) from e def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[HPOTerm]: return iter(self._map.values()) def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self._map.keys())
Ontology: OntologyClass = OntologyClass()