PyHPO documentation

πŸš€ Getting started:


A Python library to work with, analyze, filter and inspect the Human Phenotype Ontology

Visit the PyHPO Documentation for a more detailed overview of all the functionality.

Main features

  • πŸ‘« Identify patient cohorts based on clinical features

  • πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘¦ Cluster patients or other clinical information for GWAS

  • πŸ©»β†’πŸ§¬ Phenotype to Genotype studies

  • 🍎🍊 HPO similarity analysis

  • πŸ•ΈοΈ Graph based analysis of phenotypes, genes and diseases

PyHPO allows working on individual terms HPOTerm, a set of terms HPOSet and the full Ontology.

The library is helpful for discovery of novel gene-disease associations and GWAS data analysis studies. At the same time, it can be used for oragnize clinical information of patients in research or diagnostic settings.

Internally the ontology is represented as a branched linked list, every term contains pointers to its parent and child terms. This allows fast tree traversal functionality.

It provides an interface to create Pandas Dataframe from its data, allowing integration in already existing data anlysis tools.

Indices and tables