

The easiest way to install PyHPO is via pip

pip install pyhpo

or, you can additionally install optional packages for extra functionality

# Include pandas during install
pip install pyhpo[pandas]

# Include scipy
pip install pyhpo[scipy]

# Include all dependencies
pip install pyhpo[all]


Some features of PyHPO require pandas and scipy. The standard installation via pip will not include pandas or scipy and PyHPO will work just fine. (You will get a warning on the initial import though).

Without installing pandas, you won’t be able to export the Ontology as a Dataframe, everything else will work fine.

Without installing scipy, you won’t be able to use the stats module, especially the enrichment calculations.

From source

You can also install PyHPO from source by cloning the git repository:

git clone

I recommend to use a virtual environment to use PyHPO:

cd pyhpo
virtualenv venv
source ./venv/bin/activate

Install dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Development / Contributing

If you want to contribute to PyHPO development, first install from source (see above), then install all dev dependencies:

pip install -r requirements_dev.txt

Make sure to install mypy and linter, such as flake8 or ruff.